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Did we Land on the Moon?

There are those crazy theorists who claim that America did not, could not, land on the Moon on July 20, 1969.  They've been getting a great deal of press lately and frankly they're all a bunch of wackos or con-artists.  That's ok, however, because it is a Constitutionally protected right to claim crazy stuff and the internet is making it much easier to do so.

BUT!  That anyone could possibly believe, (willing disbelief, i.e. con-artistry notwithstanding) that we did not send anyone to the Moon, merely faking it with clever 1960's era Hollywood gadgetry, they have some serious need of a logic course. 

Forget the supposed evidence of deception.  Forget the backlash from more-involved NASA and space people that do a very good job of demolishing said evidence.  I ask one question and I think it settles the whole thing:

"Why didn't the U. S. S. R. blow this whole thing while it, the Soviet Union,  still existed?"  It's not like they had a lack of smart people working for them.  They had access to everything that the common American saw from the Apollo Program.  How come they couldn't figure it out in time to use it against Johnson, or Nixon,  Carter, or Reagan.  Especially Reagan!  You would have to get up especially early in the morning to make me believe that they wouldn't have, given the chance.  Therefore, the Moon missions weren't faked.  Q. E. D. 

But, because I know people like to read crazy stuff, try a few of these links.