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Sigfiles Rock!

Signature files, a.k.a. sigfiles, are an excellent self-expression tool. Don't get me wrong, they ain't exactly profound discourse on life, unless you happen to be a poet who specializes in haiku or really short stories. I like them because they are a snippet of your humor, your preference for wit, your unshamefacedness, and/or your bad poetry.

I've had quite a few sigfiles since I started using the internet seriously back in 1994. Here's a list of what's been used by me, organized from oldest to youngest.

Yes, I know that these aren't original. I trolled most of them from other sites similar to this one. There are a few original Bill-works mixed in here, so Nyeah.

An excellent source of quotes which you might want to use is the A Word A Day email sent by http://wordsmith.org. I get it almost more for the quotes at the end than the word included.

"Keep your words soft and sweet, lest ye be forced to eat them."

Pillow + Snake = NO

Bill Ruhsam                        / \
Mechanical Engineer             -<{ C }>-
X-Manager of the Pep Band          \ /  And We spake saying, "Let there
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    |   be Caldwell."  And there was.  
ruhsaw@rpi.edu                          And We saw that it was good.   

E = mc^2 Einstein
F = ma Newton
Ho^3 Santa

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) - Danish researchers say they've found that men, on average, have about 4 billion more brain cells than women, but they haven't figured out what men do with them.

Sturgeon's Law: 90% of Everything is Crap.

"Sure, 90% of science fiction is crud. That's because 90% of everything is crud."
---Theodore Sturgeon

Keep honking, I'm reloading.

From the Annals of Engineering Notation:
"Check the butt-gap with the feeler gage."


--Contributed Quote
"Ya caan't paahk da caah in Baaahston."

From "Murphy's Laws of War":
Don't look conspicuous, it draws fire.
-and it's correlary-
Never draw fire; It annoys those around you.

"Against stupidity, the very Gods fight in Vain."
--- Friedrich Von Schiller

Death is something you can do nothing about. Nothing at all. But youth is a quality, and if you have it, you never lose it."
---Frank Lloyd Wright, 1958

BIRTH, n. The first and direst of all disasters.

"He that studies books will know how things ought to be; and he who studies people will know how they are."
---Charles Colton

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
-- John Stewart Mills

"It is necessary for technical reasons that these warheads should be stored with the top at the bottom, and the bottom at the top. In order that there may be no doubt as to which is the top and which is the bottom, for storage purposes, it will be seen that the bottom of each head has been labeled with the word TOP."
-- British Admiralty instructions

"We have not succeeded in answering all of our problems - indeed, we have not completely answered any of them. The answers we have found have only served to raise a whole new set of questions. In some ways we feel we are as confused as ever, but we think we are confused on a much higher level about more important things."

,_____                          .      .                           |>>
     \\                   .                  .                     |
   0 //            .                            .                  |
   \-\         .                                 .                 |
   | |     .                                      .   .  .         |
  /  |  .                                          . .    .        |
 / . |                                              .      ......o |

"Surely, you can't be serious?"
"Of course I'm serious. And stop calling me Shirley."

Friends help friends move.
Real friends help friends move bodies.

"Math is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth math is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to integrate, nothing which is more important than his own personal notes, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being cum laude unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
-- John Stewart Mills (sorta)

Look, don't touch.
Touch, don't feel.
Feel, don't grope.
Grope, don't...well...fine, just make it quick.

"Proofreading is more effective after publication"

Lots of Oxen

From Officer's Fitness Reports:
-Since my last report, he has reached rock bottom, and has started to dig.

"Don't explain computers to laymen. Simpler to explain sex to a virgin."
--Robert A. Heinlein

There is a fly that lives its entire lifespan above a hot spring in Wyoming between the altitudes of 2 inches and 2 feet.

If all else fails, immortality can be always be assured by spectacular error.
-- John Galbraith

Adventure is someone else, in deep shit, far far away.

A brave man is one who survives his own stupididty;
A Heroic man is one who saves others from even greater stupidity.

For yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of engineering, I will fear no math.

Lt: "If we do happen to step on a mine, sir, what do we do?"
Maj: "Normal procedure, lieutenant, is to jump 200 feet into the air and scatter oneself over a wide area."

Dear Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they pissed me off, and also, help me to be careful of the toes I step on today, as may be connected to the ass I may have to kiss tomorrow.


"If you'd wanted sugar and cream, why'd you ask for coffee?"

Drool-proof paper:
n. Documentation that has been obsessively dumbed down, to the point where only a cretin could bear to read it, is said to have succumbed to the `drool proof paper syndrome' or to have been `written on drool-proof paper'. For example, this is an actual quote from Apple's LaserWriter manual: "Do not expose your LaserWriter to open fire or flame."

|Bill Ruhsam   | "Without you,    |
|Member        | your life would  |
|C*A*A*D       | have no meaning."|
|Caldwell Auto-Anti-Defenestrators|

"Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film."

Why do chicken coops have two doors?
Because if they had four they'd be chicken sedans.

"The best armor is to keep out of range."

Graduate of the Darth Vader school of personnel management.

"The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them."
- William Clayton

"Physics is to mathematics what sex is to masturbation."
-Richard P. Feyman

"Interfere? Of course we'll interfere. Always do what you're best at, I say."
-American foreign policy
"Its not the principle of the thing, its the money."
-American domestic policy

All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power

If you're not part of the solution, you're the precipitate.

Radioactive halibut will make fission chips.

"I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous."

Vote YES on prop. 427: "Voters for Naked Jello Wrestling in Congress."

Nine out of ten dentists agree that four out of five doctors are morons.

EMS faq: (http://www.bahnhof.se/~sk/Medical/EMSFAQ1.html)
Q. What happened? (at an minor fender-bender auto accident).
A. Plane crash!

Q. What happened? (outide of a house where a person was having shortness of breath).
A. Plane crash!

Q. What happened? (at a plane crash)
A. Shark attack!

Two nuns were driving home one dark stormy night when suddenly, WHAM! A vampire lands right on the hood of their car. His eyes are gleaming yellow and his razor-sharp fangs dripping with blood. The nun who is driving screams to the other nun, "SHOW HIM YOUR CROSS!" so the other nun leans out of the window and shouts, "GET THE HELL OFF THE HOOD OF THIS CAR!"

A little bit of uh huh and a whole lot of oh yeah.

A pedestrian hit me and went under my car.

"C++" should have been called "D"

(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)retend this never happened...

A penny for your thoughts; $20 to act it out.

All things are green unless they are not.

Cause of crash: Inadvertent contact with the ground.

Delivered by Electronic Sled-Dogs...Woof!

Warning: Written by a highly caffeinated mammal.

Don't play stupid with me! I'm better at it.

"If we are what we eat, then I'm easy, fast, and cheap."

Q: What is the difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers?
A: Mechanical Engineers build weapons; Civil Engineers build Targets.

You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.

It's OK to let your mind go blank, but please turn off the sound.

2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.
1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.
1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.
1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.
1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.
2000 A.D. - That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root.

Non-smoking area: If we see you smoking we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action.

Early Bird may get the worm,
But Second Mouse gets the cheese.

One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them.

Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.

A diagnostic is someone who doesn't know whether there are two gods.

Here's to the sun God,
He sure is a fun God,
Ra, Ra, Ra

I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol

The only substitute for good manners is fast reflexes.

Headline: Bear takes over Disneyland in Pooh D'Etat!

I put instant coffee in a microwave oven and almost went back in time.

Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.

A neutron goes into a bar and asks the bartender, "How much for a beer?" The bartender replies, "For you, no charge."

The best accelerator available for a Mac is one that causes it to go at 9.8 m/s^2

Error #152 - Windows not found: (C)heer (P)arty (D)ance

"Push to test."
"Release to detonate."

"Cats aren't clean, they're just covered with cat spit." - John S. Nichols

Hit any user to continue.

"Where are we going? And what's with this handbasket?"

The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all of the bad girls live.

Atom #1: How are you doing today?
Atom #2: Not too good. I lost an electron.
Atom #1: Are you sure?
Atom #2: Yeah, I'm positive.

Hammer: A device originally employed as a weapon of war, now used as a sort of divining rod to locate expensive parts in the proximity of those we are attempting to strike.

Do better next time. After all, that's what life is about.

If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?

Are people more violently opposed to fur rather than leather because it's much easier to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs?

It's not how far you fall, but how high you bounce.

Kerr's Three Rules for a Successful College:
Have plenty of football for the alumni, sex for the students, and parking for the faculty.

A diva who specializes in risque arias is an off-coloratura soprano

Measure with a micrometer. Mark with chalk. Cut with an axe.

The three laws of thermodynamics:
The First Law: You can't get anything without working for it.
The Second Law: The most you can accomplish by working is to break even.
The Third Law: You can only break even at absolute zero.

When I said "we", officer, I was referring to myself, the four young ladies, and, of course, the goat.

You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend too much time reading this sort of trash.

Of course there's no reason for it, it's just our policy.

Lewis's Law of Travel: The first piece of luggage out of the chute doesn't belong to anyone, ever.

"Kirk to Enterprise -- beam down yeoman Rand and a six-pack."

The Beverly Hills Freudians tied the Chicago Rogerians 0-0 last Saturday night. The match started with a long period of silence while the Freudians waited for the Rogerians to free associate and the Rogerians waited for the Freudians to say something they could paraphrase. The stalemate was broken when the Freudians' best player took the offensive and interpreted the Rogerians' silence as reflecting their anal-retentive personalities. At this the Rogerians' star player said "I hear you saying you think we're full of ka-ka." This started a fight and the match was called by officials.

BE ALERT!!!! (The world needs more lerts ...)

Decisions of the judges will be final unless shouted down by a really overwhelming majority of the crowd present. Abusive and obscene language may not be used by contestants when addressing members of the judging panel, or, conversely, by members of the judging panel when addressing contestants (unless struck by a boomerang).
-- Mudgeeraba Creek Emu-Riding and Boomerang-Throwing Assoc.

(1) Alexander the Great was a great general.
(2) Great generals are forewarned.
(3) Forewarned is forearmed.
(4) Four is an even number.
(5) Four is certainly an odd number of arms for a man to have.
(6) The only number that is both even and odd is infinity.

Therefore, Alexander the Great had an infinite number of arms.

Everything is controlled by a small evil group to which, unfortunately, no one we know belongs.
(our job is to kill them and take their place)

FOUND: One graduate student mind. In shitty condition. $50 or best offer.

The objective of all dedicated employees should be to thoroughly analyze all situations, anticipate all problems prior to their occurrence, have answers for these problems, and move swiftly to solve these problems when called upon.

However, When you are up to your ass in alligators it is difficult to remind yourself your initial objective was to drain the swamp.

Rhode's Law:
When any principle, law, tenet, probability, happening, circumstance, or result can in no way be directly, indirectly, empirically, or circuitously proven, derived, implied, inferred, induced, deducted, estimated, or scientifically guessed, it will always for the purpose of convenience, expediency, political advantage, material gain, or personal comfort, or any combination of the above, or none of the above, be unilaterally and unequivocally assumed, proclaimed, and adhered to as absolute truth to be undeniably, universally, immutably, and infinitely so, until such time as it becomes advantageous to assume otherwise, maybe.

Blood is thicker than water, and much tastier.

pi seconds is a nanocentury.
-- Tom Duff

The USA is so enormous, and so numerous are its schools, colleges and religious seminaries, many devoted to special religious beliefs ranging from the unorthodox to the dotty, that we can hardly wonder at its yielding a more bounteous harvest of gobbledygook than the rest of the world put together.
-- Sir Peter Medawar

To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and, whatever you hit, call it the target.
...and it's corrolarry from the Laws of Frisbee:
Never preface any move with a statement more descriptive than, "Watch this!"

better !pout !cry
better watchout
lpr why
santa claus town

cat /etc/passwd >list
ncheck list 
ncheck list
cat list | grep naughty >nogiftlist
cat list | grep nice >giftlist
santa claus  town

who | grep sleeping
who | grep awake
who | egrep 'bad|good'
for (goodness sake) {
        be good

Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip around the Sun.

The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain, involved in many kinds of motivation, among other functions. The hypothalamus controls the "Four F's":
1. fighting; 2. fleeing; 3.feeding; and 4. mating.
-- Psychology professor in neuropsychology intro course

Incident Blotter; 5 Dec 98

Two vagrant social lives were found in a dumpster along with a graduate-student mind. All three had a BAC of .9 and greater and it appears that they all had been repeatedly raped by the local gang here known as 'Work'.

Identification was missing. The police are searching for the owners of these components. Anyone with info- rmation relating to this incident should call the Memorial Hospital.

I could crush him like an ant. But it would be too easy. No - revenge is a dish best served cold. I'll bide my time until...Oh, what the hell, I'll just crush him like an ant.
-- Mr. Burns, The Simpsons

"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
EINSTEIN: Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road moved beneath the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die. In the rain. Alone.

You might be an engineer if:
You can type 70 words per minute but you can't read your own handwriting.

It is possible to get the majority of electoral votes without getting the majority of popular votes. Anyone who can ever understand how this works gets to be president.

The three-letter airport identifier for Sioux City, Iowa, under attack by state officials, will be changed. The Federal Aviation Administration has agreed that SUX is an unacceptable abbreviation for the facility.

Four peregrine falcon chicks will be raised at the University of Waterloo and then released locally. They are expected to eat pigeons and other small birds. This is part of a Canada-wide effort to increase the number of endangered species.

"... it is important to realize that any lock can be picked with a big enough hammer."
-- Sun System & Network Admin manual

"A language is a dialect with an army and a navy." -- Max Weinreich

"Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare."
Blair Houghton


"Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake."

Charlie was a Chemist, but Charlie is no more.
What Charlie thought was H20 was H2SO4.

A conscience does not prevent sin. It only prevents you from enjoying it.

Chess players mate better

I don't care who you are, Fatso. Get the reindeer off my roof!

I think. Therefore I am DANGEROUS.

I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing.

In case of Emergency, Break Glass. Scream. Bleed to death.

Eat right, exercise daily, live clean, die anyway.

I have the heart of a child. I keep it in a jar.

A girl criticized my apartment so I knocked her flat.

Having a Smoking Section in a restaurant is a little like having a Peeing Section in a pool!

Benji! Don't run out onto the road! Ben--=$.d^%$(#& NO TERRIER

Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run! Death hates that.

Two wrongs are only the beginning.

If you're thinking what I'm thinking, I'm ashamed of you.

I'm not cheap, but I am on special this week.

----Theorem: All numbers are interesting----
Proof: Suppose there are some uninteresting numbers. Then the set of un- interesting numbers is not empty. Therefore it has a least number: the smallest uninteresting number. But that is a most interesting number! This contradiction proves the theorem.
--E. F. Beckinbach

Note: can you find the mistake in this proof? or an uninteresting number?

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
- General George Patton (1885-1945)

First rule at a rock gig - if you see a pyro tech running, keep up.

"Engineering is the stuff of compromise. It's almost like politics, but with a lousier sense of fashion."

"What is best in life? To crush my enemies. To see them driven before me. And to hear the lamentation of their women!"
-- Conan the Barbarian (paraphrasing Genghis Khan)

#define QUESTION ((bb) || !(bb)) - Shakespeare.

A)bort, R)etry, P)ee in drive door

Never let your willpower get the best of you.

Why, how kind of you to come rub elbows briefly with the peons ...

Ever find yourself posting messages just to show off your taglines?

I think we're in for a bad spell of wether.

UR 2 Good
   2 Me
   2 Be
   4 Got

The sex was so good that even the neighbors had a cigarette.

Alex, I'll take "Things Only I Know" for $1000.

Diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

The only difference between graffiti & philosophy is the word f**k...

It is more fun contemplating someone else's navel than your own.
- Arthur Hoppe

Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!

If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, why practice?

"Being a graduate student is never having to say `I have dignity and self respect'" --M.F. Terman

Better to have one freedom too many, than to have one freedom to few.

"When a problem comes along, you must whip it!" -Devo

"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
--Douglas Adams

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is."

"It's amazing how many people in this world are born at third base, and think they've hit a triple."

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones

Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.

I think, therefore I'm paid

Another month ends
All targets met
All systems working
All customers satisfied
All staff eager and enthusiastic
All pigs fed and ready to fly.

There is nothing wrong with being a sociopath. It's getting caught that's a problem. Be a mad scientist. Write poetry. Be an artist. Plot world domination. Panthers make great pets. Mwhahahahahahahahahaha!!

"You don't really own anything you can't carry on your back at a dead run."

"There are two natural classes of predators in this country; the very poor, by circumstance, and the very rich, by training."

"Wouldn't the sentence 'I want to put a hyphen between the words Fish and And and And and Chips in my Fish-And-Chips sign' have been clearer if quotation marks had been placed before Fish, and between Fish and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and Chips, as well as after Chips?"

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

You should play the game for fun. The instant you find yourself playing for any other reason, you should rack it up and go on to something else.
-- Charles Goren

When walking on thin ice you might as well dance

Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.

I love the "swooshing" sound deadlines make as they go by.

A priest, a rabbi, and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender says, What is this, some kind of joke?

Witches' Parking - All others Toad.

The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me. The distinction is yours to draw...

If you throw a cat out a car window, does it become kitty litter?

If a man makes a statement in the forest and there isn't a woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

The Creation of the Universe was made possible by a grant from Texas Instruments.
- from 'The Creation of the Universe' on PBS

Cows ride Space Shuttle - the herd shot round the world.

Stone Age Minds with SPACE AGE tools...

"Wreck the malls with cows on Harleys. Fa la la la la ... la la la la."

"I've gone to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, keep me here!"

"I would like to find the person who invented sex and see what she's working on now."

"If something doesn't feel right, you're not feeling the right thing."

4 food groups: Coffee, Chocolate, Pop-Tarts, and Sex.

Boggles the foot, too, come to think of it.

"Vini. Vidi. Caffi." --- "I came. I saw. I drank coffee."

Elite people are less legible than pica people

Only backwards can be spelled backwards

50% of my forefathers were female.

A family reunion is an effective form of birth control.

The difference between British and Americans is, Americans think a hundred years is a long time, and the British think a hundred miles is a long drive.

(From Dave Barry, concerning deck building)
2. Mark the corners by driving stakes into the ground, using a No. 6 Whacking Hammer. If you hear screaming, you have lawn vampires, and you should call your Realtor immediately.

Branches from the nearby foliage, or geological specimens, may fracture my skeletal structure; however, inaccurate descriptions of my physical appearance, heritage or personality, cannot damage my psyche.

Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

An unemployed court jester is no one's fool.

Two wrongs are only the beginning.

Money can't buy love. But it CAN rent a very close imitation.

The ONLY time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.

If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt so much.

When I do not question that which I know to be true, it is then that I prepare myself to be deceived.

I don't want justice and I don't want mercy;
I will settle for nothing less than unearned privelege.

People without signature files are so higly evolved that they can't be bothered with such things.

If a Russian spams Usenet, do they send him to Cyberia?

Most people want to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch.

At first there was nothing. Then God said, "Let there be light!" and there was still nothing, but you could see it.

Pessimist is the word optimists invented to describe realists.

Esplanade: To attempt an explanation while drunk.

Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

1/2 Cocker Spaniel
1/2 Sneaky Neighbor's Dog

There are only 11 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, Those who don't, and those who steal sigfiles.

You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out he hates all the same people you do.

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
-Marshall McLuhan

Brasington's Ninth Law: A carelessly planned project takes three times longer to complete than expected; a carefully planned one will take only twice as long.

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
-Oscar Wilde

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."
-Bertrand Russell

A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
He follows a lifestyle we don't endorse,
He drinks the blood of a sheep, by force,
The vampire horse, Count Ed!"

-attributed to "not me", the vicious sigfile stealer